Here's what I came up with.........
The A Virtual Latch On! for all of you who are no where near a location. I incourage all of you to attend a physical location if possible.
Here's how we do it. At 1030 am on August 3rd or 4th comment about your nursing baby here! Both days I will choose a few Mama's to recieve Geffen Baby nursing pads.
Durring the month all breast feeding accessories will be on Sale. This will go live August 1st and all purchaces will recieve a 3 pack of nursing pads by Geffen Baby
To make this easy on all of us please sign up through raffle copter as well. They can be entered before or after your comment.
August 3rd attendants enter here!
August 4th attendants enter here!
a Rafflecopter giveawaya Rafflecopter giveaway
Maddy is a wonderful nursing baby and has had a great latch from Day 1-surprised the nurses in the hospital!
I have really grown to love nursing Calvin, and I'm not looking forward to weaning. Luckily I still have some time since he's not yet 6 months. There aren't many venues where I can brag about this, but I'm so very proud that he was able to latch without a shield at 7 weeks - shortly after an LC told me that he was probably set in his ways. I'm pretty sure I was one of the situations that needed a shield, but he now latches on to what seems like nothing! Maybe that's why he tries to nurse from my bicep...
Alas, despite perfect latch and ideal conditions, I had no supply :( Next time, though, I'm ready!
I love nursing my baby!! 5 months strong so far!!
We really struggled to nurse. My LO was a month early and struggled to latch on, so I pumped and she was bottlefed breastmilk for the first 3 weeks, then we transitioned to nursing with a nipple shield and then finally at 5 weeks we ditched the shield. She is now 9 months and still happily nursing, and I a so glad I had the help, support and determination to figure it out!
I love nursing my baby, but right now it's so stressful. I'm going out of town in August for 4 days for work & we are working at building up a supply. I can't wait until I can pump what he needs & not worry about a huge frozen supply.
My baby is still in utero.
So she doesn't nurse. Yet. :)
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